Thursday, July 4, 2013

Centre Party (Nauru)

1.Centre Party (Nauru)

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This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (December 2009)

4.      The Centre Party is an informal political party in the Pacific nation of Nauru.

5.   Foundation[edit]

6.      The party was formed by the former President of Nauru, Kinza Clodumar, and supported René Harris, Clodumar's ally, in the Parliament, mainly in votes of no confidence for or against Harris.

7.   Political role[edit]

8.      The CP just has a little role in the Nauruan Parliament and in the political life in Nauru. The party has had at least one seat in the Parliament from 1997 to 2003 (Clodumar), but lost it after the general elections on October 23, 2004.

The Muslim Centre Party (Arabic:حزب الوسط الاسلامي Hizb Al-Wasat Al-Islamiy) is a political party in Jordan. The party was given official licensing by the Jordanian government in December 2001.[1] With the introduction of the new political party laws the party was re-licensed in 2008.[2]



The Muslim Centre Party seeks to promote political, economic, educational and social reforms on the basis of Islamic law.[3]

The party attempts to target members of the Islamic movement. However, it is independent from the Muslim Brotherhood. The party supports a moderate form of Islam and criticizes extreme religious ideologies that do not support pluralism and promote violence. The party promotes itself as an Islamic Party that is more moderate than the Islamic Action Front.[4][5]

The Muslim Centre Party advocates the strengthening of democracy in Jordan. The party promotes pluralism, the separation of powers, and the freedom of the press. It also calls for the increasing political role of women in Jordan. Finally, the party is adamant about the creation of a Palestinian state.[6][7]


The party had two members in the Jordanian Parliament from 2003-2007. As of 2009, the Party has members in municipal councils throughout Jordan.

See also[edit]


1.       ^ Hourani, Hani. 2006. Directory of Civil Society Organizations in Jordan. Amman, Jordan: Sindbad Publishing House.

2.       ^ Jordan Times (Amman), April 20, 2008, “Twelve parties licensed, others dissolve as deadline passes”

3.       ^ The Islamic Center Party. "Our Goals". Accessed 7/8/09.

4.       ^ The Star, 15 July 2001, “Break-away Brothers to set up centrist Islamist party”

5.       ^ The Islamic Center Party. "The Literature". Accessed 7/8/09.

^ Sahliyeh, Emile F. 1/1/2005, “The State and the Islamic Movement in Jordan.” Journal of Church and

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